Data Privacy

Thank you for your interest in employment with WEBA Werkzeugbau Betriebs GmbH. Data protection is of great importance to us, and we would like to inform you about the use of your application data (Art. 13 and 14 DSGVO) in our company, as well as clarify your rights regarding your data. The processing of your personal data (name, email, and other information) always complies with DSGVO.

According to DSGVO, personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Identifiable, in this context, means that it is possible to draw conclusions about their personality using this information (Art. 4(1) DSGVO). As a company, we process your data in accordance with Art. 4(2) DSGVO (storing, deleting, using, and internal sharing of data). Your data is processed based on your application to determine whether an employment relationship can be established. Your knowledge, skills, and professional qualifications are particularly important in this regard. We believe that we have taken all necessary technical and organizational measures to provide comprehensive protection for your data (Art. 32 DSGVO). However, we cannot guarantee that there are no security vulnerabilities during the transmission of data over the internet.

Contents of the Regulation

Categories of Data

With your application to us, we receive personal data from you. In some cases, data from third parties (Xing, LinkedIn) may also be used. These are your personal details that you provide, such as your professional qualifications and skills. These serve as an important basis for selection. Furthermore, we would like to point out that meeting minutes may be taken during job interviews.

Purpose of Processing and Legal Basis

Your personal data will be used exclusively for the purpose of the application process and will not be shared with third parties. Disclosure will only occur internally to the relevant management.

If an employment relationship is established, your data may be processed in accordance with legal regulations. In the event of employment, you will receive separate information regarding data protection and the processing of your data within our company.

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is §38 DSG in conjunction with Art. 6 DSGVO.

Furthermore, processing may also be lawful if you provide explicit consent for the retention of your application for future job openings. This written consent must reach the company within one week. Your data will then be retained for another year after the end of the application process and considered for any other positions. Afterward, the data will be irrevocably deleted.

Data Disclosure

Your personal data obtained through your application will only be shared internally with the respective responsible managers. Furthermore, the HR department has access to your application data. Your data will under no circumstances be disclosed to third parties.

Data Retention Period

In principle, your data will only be stored for as long as is legally required or necessary for the purpose of the application.

Your data will be stored:

  • for the duration of the application process or
  • in the case of rejection of the application,
    • until the rejection notice is communicated
    • for as long as the data is needed to resolve inquiries or disputes - but for a maximum of 6 months after the rejection notice is sen
  • with explicit consent for retention
    • one year after the end of the application process

Rights of Applicants

According to the DSGVO, you generally have the right to access, rectify, delete, restrict, transfer, and object to your data. A written communication to WEBA Werkzeugbau Betriebs GmbH is required for this purpose.

If a breach of the protection of your data occurs that would result in a high risk to your personal rights and freedoms, and we cannot eliminate this risk through suitable technical and organizational security measures, we will inform you promptly.

If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have been violated in another way, you can file a complaint with the data protection authority.


For further questions regarding data protection, please contact the responsible department or the data protection officer.

Tanja Burghuber


+43 7252 72807 1004

write an e-mail

Christoph Guger

Data Protection Management

+43 7252 72807 1020

write an e-mail