Jürgen's adventure to become a toolmaking technician: a CV like a novel

Dietach, Steyr - Jürgen's life story reads like an exciting adventure novel. His professional journey has taken him from the body and paint shop to the restaurant trade in Spain and on to becoming a truck driver on the roads of Europe. He finally found his place at weba Werkzeugbau. Jürgen's story shows that curiosity and the courage to embrace change can lead to a fulfilling and varied professional life. Discover how he uses and constantly develops his diverse experience and skills as a toolmaking technician at weba.

A CV like an adventure novel

Jürgen began his career as a body and paint technician and then gained experience as a mechanic. But his thirst for adventure wouldn't let him go - he bravely packed his bags and moved to Spain to work in the catering industry. He quickly found his passion in this industry, mainly due to the many encounters with people. He then spent ten years in the catering industry, mainly in Tyrol.

Chance leads to weba

During the winter months, Jürgen spent his time in Steyr and came across weba by chance around 15 years ago. He worked here for some time as a tinsmith. Although he liked the work at weba, he was not yet ready to leave the excitement of life behind. He jokingly said at the time that he didn't want to settle down yet.

A truck and the roads of Europe

But life had even more in store for him. He changed tack and became a truck driver, transporting tractor transmissions across Europe and experiencing many adventures on his tours. He loved this time, as it allowed him to see new cities and countries and meet lots of interesting people. But at some point, being alone on the roads of Europe became lonely and he looked for new challenges.

Back to Steyr and further training to become a foreman

Jürgen returned to Steyr with the desire to settle down and further his education. During the coronavirus period, he decided to further his professional development and financed his own training to become a plant foreman. This investment in his future was a decisive step, as it opened the door to a technical career again.

Versatility and challenge

After completing his master craftsman's certificate, Jürgen started looking for a job with long-term prospects and finally found it at weba. At weba, he found exactly what he was looking for: Variety and the opportunity to constantly develop himself further.

As a toolmaking technician at weba, no two days are the same. Unlike in assembly line or series production, weba produces individual tools that constantly present new requirements and challenges. Jürgen loves working on new components, taking responsibility, using different technologies and interacting with different customers. The variety of tasks keeps his working day exciting and varied.

Jürgen particularly likes the fact that toolmaking offers the opportunity to experience the entire production process - from the delivered casting to the finished product. There are few professions where you have the opportunity to actually see the end product in front of your eyes. This creates a special connection to the company and to what you create together. He is particularly proud when customers are satisfied with the training and tool acceptance. This sense of achievement is a great motivation for him and a confirmation of his work.

Another aspect that Jürgen particularly appreciates about his work at weba is the assembly assignments. These allow him to travel, see other plants and gather new ideas and suggestions for improvement. He enjoys the variety and the opportunity to see new things and learn to appreciate what works well in his own plant.

„At weba Werkzeugbau, I particularly appreciate the variety of tasks and the constant opportunities for further development. Every day brings new challenges and learning opportunities.“ 

Jürgen Haider, toolmaking technician

A summer person with a passion for reading

Jürgen is an absolute summer person and likes to go full throttle in winter so that he can enjoy the summer to the full. In his free time, he loves to read and can be found with his e-reader during every break. This passion also helped him to make good use of waiting times during his time as a truck driver.

A career with a future

Jürgen's career path shows that you should constantly develop and look for new challenges. The many different jobs and experiences have always presented him with new challenges, but have also contributed significantly to his development. At weba Werkzeugbau, he has now found his place where he can contribute his versatile skills, expand them further and continue to develop within the company.

„My career has taken me through many different stations and given me the opportunity to meet a lot of people. It's important to never stand still and always be ready to learn new things and develop further.“

Jürgen Haider, toolmaking technician

At weba he particularly likes

  • Variety
  • Mutual flexibility
  • Short Fridays
  • Assembly assignments

Advice to young people

Jürgen advises young people to try out different things. His bold move to quit everything and move to Spain was scary at first, but a very valuable experience. Especially when you're young, you should take risks and discover new things. He also recommends working hard right from the start and standing out from the crowd, as this opens up many opportunities. The apprenticeship period is the time when you can prove yourself.
