Great Success at the Die & Mold China Fair in Shanghai for weba Werkzeugbau

Dietach, Austria - At the prestigious Die & Mold China (DMC) fair, held from May 25 to 28 in the new international exhibition center in Shanghai, weba Werkzeugbau set a significant milestone. As a leading provider in tool technology, weba took the opportunity to strengthen its presence in the automotive industry and present the latest developments in forming technology.

DMC, an internationally recognized platform for forming technology, annually attracts professionals from the mold and toolmaking industry. The organization of the event, supported by over 1500 volunteer group members from industry, research, and education, creates an ideal environment for knowledge exchange and networking.

Represented by the Sales and Tech Center from Taicang (WTC), weba Werkzeugbau impressed at the fair with its own booth and a very special exhibit: a miniature tool for hot forming. This mini press-hardening tool, a masterpiece of precision and quality, symbolizes weba's expertise in hot forming technology and was enthusiastically received by the fair visitors.

"Participating in the Die & Mold China fair is essential for us to further expand our leadership position in toolmaking and forming technology. We are proud that we were able to generate great interest at the fair and thus underline our commitment to quality and innovation," explains CEO Hannes Feuerhuber.

The overwhelming response to weba's presentation underscores the growing interest in innovative tool solutions. By participating in such high-caliber fairs, weba reaffirms its commitment to continuously invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of toolmaking and create new business opportunities.
